Investment Fact sheets
Latest Investment Performance summary:
Fact sheets updated as and when available from investment managers. View the latest quarterly PDF fact sheets for each of the investment portfolios offered by the Fund:
- Old Mutual Absolute Smooth Growth Portfolio (JMC Choice)
- OMIG Profile Edge28 Portfolio (Previously named Profile Pinnacle)
- Coronation Managed Portfolio
- OMMM Inflation Plus 5-7% Portfolio
- M&G Life Global Balanced Fund (Previously named Prudential Global Balanced Portfolio)
- OMMM Balanced Tracker Fund
- Old Mutual CoreGrowth 100
- Old Mutual Shari’ah Composite Portfolio
- Old Mutual Employee Group Futuregrowth Portfolio
PLEASE NOTE: The Investment Performance Summary is updated monthly and uploaded to the OMEGS website approximately 3 weeks after month-end. Fact sheets are updated as they become available and as a result the period reflected on the website may differ per portfolio.