We had a great time meeting members across South Africa during our OMEGS Road Show, held over February and March 2015. Thank you to all the members who attended presentations or visited our stalls!

If we didn’t make it to your branch, and you can arrange a minimum of 30 confirmed attendees at a venue in your area, we will do our best to bring the Road Show presentation to your region. Please email us to help us co-ordinate a session for your region.

Going the distance to reach our members!

We crisscrossed our way around South Africa to reach members wherever we could! One of our more adventurous trips included a 2 hour road trip (half of it on gravel roads); a flock of lost sheep which would not move off the road for 2km’s; riverbed crossings; a detour through vineyards to get around a broken-down tractor; beautiful dramatic scenery; and eventually 100 eager members who are hopefully now on the right retirement track, after the epic journey! See the pictures below for evidence!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”5″ gal_title=”Road taken”]


Mutualpark “SEND A FRIEND” Competition Winners

Attendees at the Mutualpark Road Show had an opportunity to enter the Send a Friend competition, where they stood a chance to win one of two Pick ‘n Pay vouchers worth R500 each. Congratulations to Selvarani Reddy, the winner for MOST friends & colleagues sent, and to Zulfah van der Schyff, the lucky draw winner![Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”Send a friend competition”]
CT Road Show Gallery[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”CT Roadshow 2015″]

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