Investment Switches
There are two types of investment transactions available:
- Switches: this is when you switch part or all of your Member Account Balance from its current investment portfolio to another investment portfolio/s.
- Investment Elections: this is when you elect to invest your future Fund contributions in another investment portfolio/s. There is no cost for making investment elections.
It is important to note that these are two separate transactions.
- If you’d like to make an investment switch, the best way to do this is online, using Secure Services.
- We recommend that you use the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, since the Secure Services website is optimised for this browser.
- You can read our guides to find out how to make a switch:
- If you need help on how to switch part or all of your Member Account Balance to other portfolios, check out the Member Account Balance Switching Guide.
- If you need help on how to change where your future contributions are invested, check out the Investment Allocation Guide.
- If you DON’T have access to Secure Services, you can use the fax form: SuperFund Customised Investment Switch Form